I've had a dream board for years. It includes magazine articles that inspire me, printed comments from my blog from both my Mom and Dad that said how proud they were of me, it had photos of the Ironman finish line and of course, my Ironman registration letter.
The idea behind a dream board is to be clear about the vision you have for your life by identifying specifically those things you want. By making these dreams present in your everyday life you can, even by way of newspaper clippings, magazine photos, inspirational quotes or images that motivate you, make these dreams a reality.
Now I'm going to try something new, I am going to create my first online dream board. It's not going to replace the physical one in my house (if it ain't broke... don't fix it!), but I do want to try and encourage others to create their own dream boards. So here goes.
The Original Dream Board: The List
- Write a book
- See the world
- Own a business
Written on my hand during my first full marathon in Honolulu 2006. I had to glance that this a few times that day and it did it's job. I completed my first marathon there in Hawaii, and five years later, I completed the Ironman.
I'm hoping that by blogging a few times a week I will gain some momentum towards my first book. It is an overwhelming task right now, especially since I don't really know what I would write about, but it is something I would really like to do someday and so I don't let it slip from my mind.
I took advantage of being unemployed this year and after five years of being dedicated to Ironman training, I took off for 6 six of traveling through South East Asia. I spent time in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand and it was incredible. After setting a five year goal at the beginning of 2010, I am planning to see either India or Africa in 2011.
I want to own a home. Soon. I want to start investing in real estate whether it is with a home I will live in, a home I will renovate and sell or a home I will rent out. This is something I have an acute interest in and something I want to see materialize in the very near future. I would like to buy myself my first real estate investment for my birthday in 2011.
My plans to own a business are ongoing. Continue to read my blog for how my life is evolving and could be turning towards business ownership in the near future.
I hope that helps motivate you to create your own! What's on your dream board? I'd love to hear about it email me!