With less than 12 hours notice, I find myself this evening sitting around a pot-luck, carb loading/fat loading/protein packing dinner discussing hydration, nutrition, support vehicle locations, grinding climbs and killer descends, potential bonks and safety precautions when it hits me... Holy s#*t! Tomorrow morning I'm going to ride 180km (no lunch breaks, rest stops or entertainment stages as per Ride to Conquer Cancer). There's no faking it - I've got to actually pull out a 7-7:30 hour bike ride up hills, over mountain passes, through head winds and down into valleys and still have the legs and will to run a full marathon when its all over (not tomorrow, but in 37 days).
Who's idea was this anyway!?!?!?!
Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little nervous tonight. Thank goodness I came when I did because I wouldn't want to do this alone. Coach Drew is here and will be out on course all day in his van with water and food and helping us out should something go wrong with our bikes. Plus there are at least two other training camps that I know of that are also riding the full course tomorrow so it's actually going to be a busy day out there. It's comforting knowing I won't be alone.
I have no "words of wisdom" or anything motivating/inspiring to write tonight... honestly, I'm a little freaked out right now and just hoping that my post-ride blog tomorrow will be a happy report on a great day. Less than two hours ago I was finishing dinner so stuffed that I couldn't possibly eat another bite and now... the more I think about tomorrow, I'm afraid that I just might lose it all :(
I better get some rest.
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