Sunday, April 5, 2009

When life takes over...

It seems like it's taking forever to get back into a routine. I knew going into March that it was going to be a busy time and that I would just have to accept that I wasn't going to be able to get in all the training that I was hoping for, life was going to simply be too busy and I would completely burn out if I didn't choose my battles wisely.

After Sport Events finally ended, I figured it was all over and last week I was glad to be getting back into my regular routine. Turns out that the last two weeks were some of the busiest of the last three months! Geez... I had my boss on vacation, I was prepping for the IOC (Int'l Olympic Committee) coming to town for a Coordination Commission (read: check up on VANOC to make sure we're on track), plus I was planning 2 BIG parties back to back Thursday and Friday. Needless to say, I was operating at max capacity. Even doing my very best to find workouts wherever I could (sometimes very late at night on my traininer in my living room), I still missed workouts Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday.

I made up for it Saturday with a great ride out to Horseshoe Bay and a rip around the park (3 hour ride) and today I had two AWESOME workouts. The pool workout went like this:

300M Easy
300 easy by 25M drill x 25M free
6 x 50M 3 sec slower than the 1000M time trial pace.

Main set = 2 x 1000M # 1 at 3 sec slower than pace, #2 at pace

I was dreading the main set. Last week we did 1000M time trials and it was painful. I struggled through it and did it in 21:30s. I must have ate something magic this morning because the first 1000M went by in a jiffy and I felt great. I swam it like I was just causally taking a dip in the pool (mind you, it was supposed to be super slow which made it all that much easier). But I still finished it in 21min. That was quicker than my time trial the week before.

Even though the first 1000M turned out to be easy, I wasn't fooling myself thinking that the second one would also be a breeze. I knew it was going to be a fast one, and I knew for certain that this one was going to hurt. Away I went sticking on Alison's draft (the pace swimmer in my lane... she keeps me working hard). I usually loose Alison, or she usually losses me I should say, at the 600-700m mark. Then I get tired and she just pulls away. The strangest thing though, today I was on her like stink on a monkey. I never lost her. I finished the second 1000M in 19:50! What the heck?!?!? A minute and a half faster than my time trial?!? I don't know what happened today, but whatever it was, I'm not complaining. It felt great to swim so well. Lets hope it's a trend and not an exception.

Somewhere around the 650M mark in one of the sets, I remembered that I forgot my food at home and that I was going to have to run from home today instead of with the group. It was a beautiful day in Vancouver and I got out for a 1:45min run along the seawall/kits beach. I felt great.

Now that my big work projects are complete, and after a weekend of great workouts, I'm feeling pretty satisfied and I'm completely recharged for the upcoming week.

I'm still following my diet. No caffeine (although I did cheat twice this week with some killer early mornings in the office), no wheat and no processed food. I could defiantly tighten some things up, but for the most part, I'm eating only fresh food, and I think it's making a huge difference. It takes some effort, that's for sure, but I'm going to stick with it for now.

Next week is a short one, I am off work Wednesday afternoon until Tuesday. It's the Easter long weekend plus we have an Appreciation Day on Thursday (office closed) and whenever there is a long weekend, the day before we're closed at noon (Wednesday). I still have no plans, but I'm trying to work something out before Wednesday.

Hope you had a great weekend to.


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