Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yes I Can

A quick post before I head to bed tonight. Today during our run workout, my fearless running partner, triathlon nemesis and dear friend, Tash and I had a great conversation about the metal challenges of tough runs (or any other workout for that matter). The middle portion of our run today was up a very long, very step, and did I mention, very long hill. When we made it to the top, we chatted about these words- Yes I Can.

A simple statement. So much of what we do challenges us mentally as equally as it does physically and as our bodies get stronger, we have to also find ways to make our minds stronger. We have to find ways to overcome fatigue, pain, boredom and a list of other obstacles that stand in our way. Today, the simple statement "Yes I Can" got us through it.

We found however that the trick is first to never allow any negativity into your mind. When you are tired and you want to stop, even the thought "No, I can't stop", while it has good intentions, brings negativity with the "No" and the "don't". These open windows of opportunity for other negative thoughts. You have to interject the negativity before it starts and before you even allow the thought of "I'm hurting", "this is too tough" or "I have to stop", you cut it off and say "YES I CAN" - there really isn't anything else to question.

When your legs are tired - Yes I can
When your lungs are burning - Yes I can
When your shoulders ache - Yes I can
When your bored and you beg for something else to happen besides more running - Yes I can.

I found the need to say this once to myself on the way up that hill today, and by the time I had finished saying it, I realized that the statement wasn't convincing me that "Yes I Can" - No. In fact, it was a celebratory "YES I CAN!" I never doubted that I could make it up that hill, I never allowed myself to think that there was any other option, and before I knew it, there I was at the top saying "Yes I can."

I hope that translates to you and your life. It's so simple and yet is incredibly powerful. Next time you're challenged in your life, try saying "yes I can" before you even entertain a negative alternative and just see what happens.

Until next week..


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